
Paul Barrere (Little Feat) overleden op 71-jarige leeftijd

Written by on 28 oktober 2019

Paul Barrere (Little Feat) overleden op 71-jarige leeftijd

Little Feat-gitarist Paul Barrere is 26 oktober op 71-jarige leeftijd overleden, bevestigden zijn collega’s.

Hij kwam bij de band in 1972, drie jaar na de oprichting door Lowell George, en debuteerde op het album Dixie Chicken in 1973. Hij bleef tot op heden lid van de band. In 2015 werd leverkanker vastgesteld nadat zijn gezondheid was verslechterd.

“It is with great sorrow that Little Feat must announce the passing of our brother guitarist, Paul Barrere, this morning at UCLA Hospital,” meldde een verklaring op de website van de groep. “Paul auditioned for Little Feat as a bassist when it was first being put together – in his words, ‘as a bassist I make an excellent guitarist’ – and three years later joined the band in his proper role on guitar. Forty-seven years later, he was forced to miss the current tour, which will end tomorrow, due to side effects from his ongoing treatment for liver disease.”

De verklaring ging verder: “He promised to follow his doctor’s orders, get back in shape, and rock on the beach at the band’s annual gathering in Jamaica in January 2020. ‘Until then,’ he wrote, ‘keep your sailin’ shoes close by…if I have my way, you’re going to need them!’ … [I]t was not meant to be. Paul, sail on to the next place in your journey with our abiding love for a life always dedicated to the muse and the music. We are grateful for the time we have shared.”

Eerder dit jaar besprak Barrere zijn trots op de lange levensduur van Little Feat. “The music, period,” vertelde hij Jambase toen hem werd gevraagd hoe het was bereikt. “We’ve never been a band that plays the songs the same way twice. Every song is a gem, we feel, and we leave ourselves spaces within the songs to improvise. To me that means space to be a musician. So that’s what we think is important, not play the same songs the same length every night and fire up the wind machine to blow your hair back.”

Hij voegde eraan toe: “The fact that you can play with the music, not just play it, is really the reason we say let’s go out there and do it. I’m in my 70s now, and I chuckle to myself sometimes because there are all these memories that come back from different eras when we play certain songs. I’ll deliver a lyric and then laugh on stage and have to be like, ‘Come on Paul, let’s get back in the game now’.”